Giving you the information you need before working with Solent Cosmetic Clinic. Once you're happy to go ahead, contact our team in Gosport to book a consultation.
Is there an age restriction for injectable products?
Yes. It is now illegal to conduct cosmetic procedures for anyone under the age of 18 in the UK. With this in mind, we will require some form of photo ID at your consultation.
Will I bruise after my treatment?
Bruising is very common after any injectable treatment, and this can be made worse if pre and post aftercare is not followed. We advise that if you have an event planned make sure that you give yourself 2 weeks of healing.
What is vascular occlusion?
A vascular occlusion is caused when blood is no longer able to pass through a blood vessel. This occurs when filler blocks these vessels, causing the skin to go pale and cold to touch. A vascular occlusion could eventually lead to tissue death (necrosis) around the treated area. It's very important that if you think you might have a vascular occlusion, that you contact your injector immediately as it is an emergency.
How are dermal fillers administered?
Following a consultation small amounts of dermal filler are injected under the surface of the skin using a fine needle to the desired treatment area.
Why do I need a consultation before having some treatments?
Some of the treatments we administer should only be carried out by a medical professional that has completed the prescribing course. A consultation is needed for the prescriber to fully understand your medical history, what you want to achieve, and to fill out a consent form.
Avoid taking anti-inflammatory painkillers like Ibuprofen and Aspirin before and after your procedure. Anti-inflammatory medications can thin the blood and increases the risk of swelling, bleeding, bruising and redness. However, if you take these types of medications regularly and they are prescribed by your doctor, please don't stop taking them. Contact Solent Cosmetic Clinic before your treatment and we can discuss the possible contraindications.
What can I use for pain relief?
To help relieve pain you can take over the counter analgesia like paracetamol. Arnica creams can also be used for discomfort. If you are experiencing persistent severe pain at the site of injection, please contact us immediately for a review.
Alcohol and Injectable procedures
Avoid heavy consumption of alcohol on the same day as your treatment. We also advise to avoid alcohol for at least 2 days before and after treatment as it can increase bruising and swelling.
Remain upright
Remain upright for 3 hours after treatment. Also avoid sleeping 3 hours after treatment as you may inadvertently rub or press against the treated area. Additionally, for the first night, sleeping with an extra pillow can sometimes help with swelling.
When can I exercise?
Please avoid high intensity exercise for the first 24 hours after your treatment. This will help reduce the risk of infection to the site.
We do however promote movement of the injected areas. Just don't rub or massage the treated area.
What else should I avoid?
Avoid rubbing or touching the areas that have been injected. This will help reduce the risk of infection.
Avoid sunbathing or sunbeds for the first week after treatment, and if you do go outside always wear sun-cream. You should also avoid chemical peels and facials 24 hours after your treatment.